Episode 48 – Forbidden Planet (Star Trek -1)

Whom Pods Destroy
Whom Pods Destroy
Episode 48 - Forbidden Planet (Star Trek -1)
Captain John J Adams, Morbius, Altaira and Robby the Robot in the 1956 sci-fi retelling of Shakespeare’s The Tempest, Forbidden Planet.

In the first of our series marking the 40th anniversary of Star Trek The Motion Picture, Whom Pods Destroy goes back to when Star Trek was but a glint in Gene Roddenberry’s eye and explore the 1956 science fiction masterpiece, Forbidden Planet.

It is an established fact that the MGM classic directly informed Gene Roddenberry’s thinking when developing the original series of Star Trek and if you’ve watched the film you can easily understand why. Terry, Derek and Graham reflect on this genre classic and celebrate its similarities with Trek.

Episode 46 – James & Tiberius

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Whom Pods Destroy
Episode 46 - James & Tiberius
Janice Rand is confronted by three senior officers, one of whom is, as far as she knows, her attacker.

Terry, Graham, and Derek are back after their brief hiatus with another episode of Whom Pods Destroy – A Star Trek Discussion Podcast.

In the episode, we discussed a much loved and much memed but very controversial episode fro the first series of the Original Series: “The Enemy Within”. This is the story of how Captain Kirk is separated into two, beings. One is intelligent, rational, compassionate while the other is savage, devious and violent. The episode contains a scene with sexual violence against a woman and the handling of this sub-plot is considered to be highly problematic.

Episode 32 – Kock & Boner

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Whom Pods Destroy
Episode 32 - Kock & Boner



We return for another episode of Whom Pods Destroy – A Star Trek Discussion Podcast. In this edition we talk about Wolf in the Fold. An episode about a violent killer of women written by the noted horror writer and author of Psycho, Robert Bloch.

Despite being fondly remembered by some, this story has been heavily criticised as misogynist and racist. Terry, Graham and Derek have their own views with which are given expression in this podcast. Needless to say, some of the subject matter of our discussion is pretty unpleasant and listener discretion is advised.

Episode 20: The City On The Edge Of Forever Part 2 | Harlan Ellison’s Original Teleplay

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Whom Pods Destroy
Episode 20: The City On The Edge Of Forever Part 2 | Harlan Ellison's Original Teleplay



In this edition of Whom Pods Destroy we continue our musings on The City On The Edge Of Forever by discussing writer Harlan Ellison’s original teleplay to the series which was heavily rewritten, much to the anger of Mr Ellison.

We offer our opinions of the script and ask if the rewrites improved it or were justified.

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Episode 19: The City On The Edge Of Forever Part 1 | The aired version

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Whom Pods Destroy
Episode 19: The City On The Edge Of Forever Part 1 | The aired version



In this edition of Whom Pods Destroy Graham, Derek and Terry review and chew over one The City On The Edge Of Forever. Join us as we relive one of the greatest tragedies in the life of James T Kirk in one of the most grown up episodes of Star Trek ever.

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Episode 18: Star Trek The Original Series and the Science Fiction New Wave

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Whom Pods Destroy
Episode 18: Star Trek The Original Series and the Science Fiction New Wave



In this episode Graham, Terry and Derek discuss the New Wave of Science Fiction in the 1960s and its relationship with Star Trek. The centrepiece of our topic is on the seminal anthology of short stories and novellas called Dangerous Visions, edited by Harlan Ellison and with contributions by fellow Star Trek alums Robert Bloch, Theodore Sturgeon and Norman Spinrad.

The conversation blossoms into other aspects of the New Wave and its progenitors in other media including the Marvel and DC Universes.

Listen to the podcast via the player above or subscribe via Apple Podcasts at:


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Episode 17: Amok Time

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Whom Pods Destroy
Episode 17: Amok Time



In this edition of Whom Pods Destroy, Terry, Graham and Derek discuss the classic episode of Star Trek The Original Series: Amok Time. This episode was the Season 2 opener and was one of the great world building episodes of the Star Trek franchise. It was also about sex and violence which is brilliant.

Listen to the podcast via the player above or subscribe via Apple Podcasts at:


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Episode 12: The Doomsday Machine and the tragic end of Matt Decker

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Whom Pods Destroy
Episode 12: The Doomsday Machine and the tragic end of Matt Decker



Join us for another episode of Whom Pods Destroy – A Star Trek discussion podcast.

On this edition Terry, Graham and Derek discuss the Original Series episode, The Doomsday Machine. This is the story of Commodore Matt Decker who, wracked with guilt at having lost the entire crew of his ship the USS Constellation to an horrific alien doomsday weapon is prepared to risk the lives of the Enterprise and prepared to sacrifice his own in order to atone for perceived error in judgment.

This episode is a contemporary warning abut the perils of weapons of mass destruction but also ripples thought the Star Trek franchise with links to Star Trek: The Motion Picture and, according to Graham at least, Star Trek II: The Wrath Of Khan.

Listen to the podcast via the player above or subscribe via iTunes at:


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Alternatively, an ogg vorbis file of the podcast is here.

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The good people of Trekyards did an episode on the Planet Killer which you may enjoy.

Episode 3: What Are Little Girls Made Of? and The Ultimate Computer

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Whom Pods Destroy
Episode 3: What Are Little Girls Made Of? and The Ultimate Computer




Terry, Graham and Derek are delighted to be back for our third episode of Whom Pods Destroy. In this edition we discuss the Season 1 episode What Are Little Girls Made Of? and the second season’s The Ultimate Computer.

Both episodes are largely concerned with artificial intelligence and the panel consider such issue tat arise such has humanities relationship with the machine and to what extent we are diminished or improved by technology. They also celebrate some stellar performances from Ted Cassidy, William Marshall and of course Sherry Jackson.

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