Episode 17: Amok Time

Whom Pods Destroy
Whom Pods Destroy
Episode 17: Amok Time

In this edition of Whom Pods Destroy, Terry, Graham and Derek discuss the classic episode of Star Trek The Original Series: Amok Time. This episode was the Season 2 opener and was one of the great world building episodes of the Star Trek franchise. It was also about sex and violence which is brilliant.

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Episode 16: The United Federation of Planets

Whom Pods Destroy
Whom Pods Destroy
Episode 16: The United Federation of Planets

Our latest episode is all about the United Federation of Planets, the interplanetary alliance that holds of core values of Star Trek. We ask if the Federation is in fact a benevolent democratic institution or an insidious empire that uses its financial might to coerce or even subjugate. Our conversation also reflects Gene Roddenberry’s “vision” of the human condition and we ask if this is remains relevant.

Listen to the podcast via the player above or subscribe via Apple Podcasts at:


For non iTunes podcatchers the feed is:


Alternatively, an ogg vorbis file of the podcast is here.

Contact the team via Twitter at:


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