Episode 41 – Funky Griffin Guy

Whom Pods Destroy
Whom Pods Destroy
Episode 41 - Funky Griffin Guy

We are delighted to be bringing you our first (and perhaps only) podcast on Star Trek: The Animated Series.

On this edition of Whom Pods Destroy we look forward to the new series of Star Trek: Discovery by focussing on “Yesteryear”: a superb exploration of the history and character of Spock written by the incomparable Dorothy Fontana.

We also take a moment to reflect on the Animated Series in general its qualities and what it left behind. It also gives us a chance to share this absolute banger with you.

Episode 4: Kirksplaining – Artificial Intelligence and Androids in Star Trek The Original Series

Whom Pods Destroy
Whom Pods Destroy
Episode 4: Kirksplaining - Artificial Intelligence and Androids in Star Trek The Original Series


The portrayal of Artificial intelligence and Androids in Star Trek: The Original Series are the subject of the latest edition of Whom Pods Destroy.

Terry, Graham and Derek discuss the numerous references to AI and artificial life from mass society micro management machines to transference of consciousness into an android body to merging with a sentient mechanised life-form and to an starship computer with a sense of humour.

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