Episode 4: Kirksplaining – Artificial Intelligence and Androids in Star Trek The Original Series

Whom Pods Destroy
Whom Pods Destroy
Episode 4: Kirksplaining - Artificial Intelligence and Androids in Star Trek The Original Series


The portrayal of Artificial intelligence and Androids in Star Trek: The Original Series are the subject of the latest edition of Whom Pods Destroy.

Terry, Graham and Derek discuss the numerous references to AI and artificial life from mass society micro management machines to transference of consciousness into an android body to merging with a sentient mechanised life-form and to an starship computer with a sense of humour.

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Episode 3: What Are Little Girls Made Of? and The Ultimate Computer

Whom Pods Destroy
Whom Pods Destroy
Episode 3: What Are Little Girls Made Of? and The Ultimate Computer


Terry, Graham and Derek are delighted to be back for our third episode of Whom Pods Destroy. In this edition we discuss the Season 1 episode What Are Little Girls Made Of? and the second season’s The Ultimate Computer.

Both episodes are largely concerned with artificial intelligence and the panel consider such issue tat arise such has humanities relationship with the machine and to what extent we are diminished or improved by technology. They also celebrate some stellar performances from Ted Cassidy, William Marshall and of course Sherry Jackson.

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Star Trek Mixtape – Villains

We present a compilation of Star Trek music cues from Terry’s embarrassingly large collection. This mix is dedicated to notable Star Trek baddies such as, Data’s Brother, Lore from Datalore. Q, Krall, Henoch from Return to Tomorrow, Locutus of Borg, Evil Kirk from The Enemy Within, God and of course, Khaaaan!

Composers featured are James Horner, Michael Giacchino, Jerry Goldsmith, Fred Steiner, George Duning and Dennis McCarthy.

Whom Pods Destroy is a Star Trek discussion podcast. Subscribe via the podcast feed at:


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Episode 2: What does God need with a starship?

Whom Pods Destroy
Whom Pods Destroy
Episode 2: What does God need with a starship?


Zoé & Terry’s fabulous Enterprise cheese board.

A photo posted by Whom Pods Destroy (@whom_pods_destroy) on

The existence of God or god like entities, the role of religion, and a preoccupation of a creator have often been a feature in The Original Series and movies of Star Trek . In our second episode, Terry Duffelen, Derek Mantle and Graham Sibley discuss God, the creator, and religion in Star Trek and ask if the show had a consistent message on these weighty topics.

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Star Trek Mixtape # 3: Jolan Tru

We were pleased to offer Terry’s third and final (for now at least) Mixcloud Mixtape of great Star Trek music from his impressive collection.

This mix feature cues from the TV Shows and movies involving Romulans including, Star Trek: Nemesis, The Enterprise Incident, The Defector, Face of the Enemy and of course Balance of Terror. Composers include Jerry Goldsmith, Alexander Courage and Ron Jones.


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Subscribe via iTunes here: https://itunes.apple.com/gb/podcast/whom-pods-destroy/id1162286063

Contact us on Twitter at @whompodsdetroy

E-mail us at garth@whompodsdestroy.com

Star Trek Music Mixtape #1 – Where No One Has Gone Before

About a year ago I put together a few mixes of Star Trek music on Mixcloud which I’m very happy to share on our new site.

I’ve been putting off doing more but will probably get round to it soon enough. Until them let’s begin with a compilation called “Where No One Has Gone Before” featuring tracks from James Horner, Jerry Goldsmith, Ron Jones, Fred Steiner and of course, Alexander Courage. Enjoy:

Episode 1: The Cage and Where No Man Has Gone Before

Whom Pods Destroy
Whom Pods Destroy
Episode 1: The Cage and Where No Man Has Gone Before


Our first ever podcast kicks off with a discussion on the two pilot episodes of Star Trek: The Cage and Where No Man Has Gone Before.

Host Terry Duffelen, joined by Derek Mantle and Graham Sibley, explore these two pivotal episodes, compare the differences between the two, examine the various characters and appreciate the aesthetic.

Graham also posits a theory about Kirk’s relationship with his friend Gary Mitchell. Did Mitchell’s demise somehow affect Kirk even more profoundly than grieving the death of a friend?

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